Birthday this summer ? Do something different & have a cinema party!! The conception behind the outdoor cinema is a good one, 1000’s of people a year flock to Outdoor Cinemas in local parks and green spaces. Why not bring one to your garden?
You don’t need to worry about space as such, we have the tools that will work around your space, using things like trees, fence post but that’s only if we can’t get our screens in there.
To hire the cinema it’s normally £1250 plus VAT, its a premium luxury experience.
However, we’re running a promotion that is going down so well through the summer holidays. If you hire the cinema on a Monday to Thursday & limited Sundays.... this premium experience can be setup for you for £500 plus VAT. 50% is due to secure the date, other 50% is due 2 weeks before party.
• Can be daytime or evening screening (LED Screen or projection)
• Can have any film out on dvd
• We will bring whatever screen we feel that will fit in your garden
It’s a night you wont forget and neither will your friends, We can also make the night more special by dressing it up i.e Beanbags, Festoon lights. We tailor to your budget 🎬🎥