2nd July- Hereford - Screening Top Gun - Colcombe House!
I really love Hereford (i am biased because this is my Home Town though) but in all honesty, the Cinema set up on Open Farmland works so AMAZING because this is what the Open Air Cinema is all about. People who came to this screening said that theyve never been to an event like this before and they were amazed by the whole set up. It was a nice evening with no rain but very grey and overcast in Herefordshire. The Great British summer this year is not going to plan.
16th July - Worcester - Screening Top Gun - Ketch Car Boot
This is a new Veune for our 2nd return trip to Worcester. Car boot fields works great for our Open Air Cinemas. This one is ideally located on a main busy road with easy access. Its another great day turning into a chilly night and we even had some extra guests in the form of some police officers were driving past and wanted to eat their food at the back of the event. A Great evening was had by all.
23 July - Gloucester - Dirty Dancing - Car boot Flea Market - Hempstead Meadows
Really excited for this Screening as its Sold out within 5 days. We got there early to set up, weather was perfect - blue skies. People arrived early to get a good spot. As with all events bringing this electric equipment to a field is demanding, So we always try to use power from a mains supply. As the film was playing we noticed that the Food Vendor started tripping out the electric to his food wagon, which then eventually tripped out the board circuit we were on. Just as they were in the water about to do the famous lift and the electric trips, after running round the back pulling the cord on the Genny, switching the cable over. Power was off less than a minute. The crowd were great they loved it and photos were up on Facebook before i even had the chance to say sorry. It was Great night and the Facebook site after had LOADS of positive comments.